Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Atheist Census - Be counted!

I haven't posted in a while because of personal reasons and lack of time but I wanted to share this:
Since for me the biggest stupidity is to believe in something you can't prove and then believing that it cares for you I want everyone that is an atheist to be counted. Religion is in its final days for the best of humanity. I will post more later about it.
Be smart,
Be counted,
Be the best you can be.

1 comment:

  1. Really? Out of all the stupid things in the world Religion is biggest one. Try this logic tree.

    A black hole can never be seen. It's impossible. having a super dense object creates a gravity well so large that it prevents light from escaping. So how do we know that black holes exist?

    Simply by the gravity effect that they have on surrounding stars and various planetary systems. The conclusion is that by analyzing data we indirectly identify them. It is the same with trying to prove God, only by the effects of him/her can we possibly have an idea of his/her existence. We find that throughout history the effects have been very positive and very negative. (i.e charity vs crusades). Other data could include the bible as means of trying to identify "time specific" truths NOT Classical Science.

    "Religion" and "Practicing Religion" are very different fundamentally. Religion is the idea of trying to identify basic moral truths, which is a property of the divine and perfect. The practice of religion is the human part of the equation. As you know (and I partly agree) there are very stupid people who do stupid things in the name of God.

    I personally believe that your are a decently intelligent person like me (Engineer and amateur number theorist). I Think that you may not believe in Religion because you have confused it with stupid people practicing religion badly.

    The good parts of religion yield charities, hospitals, and foster homes so its concepts can't be evil if good is produced. I encourage you to look into it as a scientist who is not looking for science. Or you may not, these are just my thoughts.
